Monday 11 October 2021

Smoke quitting tips: Bad social habits.

Cambridge packet.

Smoke is socially learned addictive behavior. It's not easy to stop smoking but you can do it with a positive mindset.

There are many articles written about how to stop smoking but in this article, I am going to tell you the truth and that truth is:

If you do not "feel the pain of smoking", then, it's not going to be an easy road to stop smoking. The smoke fight is a fight against the self's unhealthy socially learned behavior. It's not easy to say goodbye to something that is part of your life but if it's giving you pain, and if you are feeling the true pain of smoke, which you have found resilience energy to win the fight.

Three reasons why you should stop smoking:

(1). Financial cost.
If you do not care about how much you spend on smoking, it's not going to be an easy road to stop smoking.

Smokers do not get a holiday for smoke that means you smoke 
365 days a year. So, you work out daily spending and multiple it by 365 days, and then times the answer by several years of smoking.

For example, Joe spends $
20.00 per day X 365 days X 10 years of smoking = $73,000.00.

Now, do self-reflection.  How much have you spent? This is how much money you have done injustice to your health, financial security and family welfare. 

Addictive child smoker.

(2). Your children.
The family is made of a father, mother and children. They form a unit of learning Institute where our children learn from their parents.

The children first social class are family home. They were born into this world with empty social experiences but while growing in a family homes, they learn good and bad social habits from parents and immediate families.
The smoking parents directly install bad smoking social habits into their children. So, they develop into men and women in the lives of parents as their number one teachers. The children through the social observational learning leads them to think that smoking behavior is social norm and it's acceptable in greater society. The children born from smoking parents are highly likely to smoke in their future lives.

the smoking parents are merely equipping their children with wrong social knowledge that can enduringly damage to their children's future.

If you want your children to carry on from you, fair enough. Go on smoking!

Sit back and ask this question to yourself:

‘Do you love your children or love your smoke?’

(3). Health cost.

The smoking affects entire body system. So, if you do not care about your health, go ahead.

Smoke quitting tips:

(1). Identify and avoid triggering factors.
Identify and avoid smoking triggers will help speed up the effort of stopping smoking. 

For example: If drinking (beer) or listening to music triggers your smoking behavior, then stop drinking beer or engaging in that particular activity.

The continuous engaging in a new activity, generates new information that erases registered smoking memories. The constant reinforcement is of crucial to completely eliminate the bad social habits.

(2). Switching off the smoking time.
The smoking habits has programed your brain to response to smoking time. As soon as the smoking hour hits the O’clock, the smoke stimulant registered in your brain automatically arouse your behavior to respond.


The Smoker should employ interference activity. As soon as the new activity information is processed, simultaneously start deleting the smoking time memory. The one off new action will have less effect than the uninterrupted reinforcement.  The smoking habits is socially learned over a period of time and it require same effort. Hence, the Smoker’s resilience mindset is essentially vital.

Smoke quitting exercise.

(3). Physical exercise.
The physical exercise is one of the highly recommended smoke quitting tips. When you engage in physical exercise like fast walk, running, visiting the gym (etc.), definitely no one will smoke. The more you take interest in physical exercise, the smoking interest will die out.

(4). Peer support.
Social support is an important one, especially if both couples are planning to quit smoking. They can support each other as they can keep each other’s back as they walk through the long road to stop smoking.

(5). Counselling therapy.
Engaging in a counselling therapy will guide one to walk the guided road to stop smoking. It is advisable to seek assistance from the smoke quitting Therapist.

(6). Clean up your places.
If you want to stop smoking, you must demonstrate to yourself that you are serious about the business of stopping smoking. So, clean all your clothing, room, house, office space, car and brush your teeth and show up yourself a new look, this will motivate your dream of stopping smoking.


•If the above three smoking habits are not adequate to stop your smoking behavior, then, there are no better reasons I would think of.

•If you can win the fight against self-choice, indeed, you can fight any fight to conquer your world.


Sunday 10 October 2021

How to Use Condoms.

There are two types of condoms (male and female)  that are available on the market. These condoms have 98% chances of preventing sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy if use it correctly.  The female and male condoms comes in different sizes and shapes. 

Male condom demonstration.

How to use male condom.

Step 1: What you do:
1. At the shop check the expiry date on the condom packet.
2. Do not use any sharp instruments to open the condom packet.
3. Do not rush to open the condom packet.

Step 2: How to open condom packet:
1. Ensure your penis is erected and ready for sex.
2. Check the edges of the packet with your fingers.
3. Use your fingers to tear the end of the condom packet.
4. Carefully tear the wrapper and gently take out the condom.
5. Remove the air by squeezing the end tip of the condom.
6. Place the condom on erected penis.
7. Gently unroll it down the penis.
8. Inject the wrapped condom penis into the vagina.
9. Enjoy the pleasure of body.

Step 3: What to do after the sex:
1. After sex, remove the condom from the base of your penis.
2. Tie the used condom and throw it into the rubbish bin.
3. One condom to one sexual act.
4.   Do not re-use the used condom.

How to use female condom.

Female condom demonstration.

Step 1: What to do:
1. At the shop ask for female condom.
2. Check the expiry date on the condom packet.
3. Do not use any sharp instruments to open the condom packet.
4. Do not rush to open the condom packet.

Step 2: How to open condom packet:
1. Ensure you and your partner is ready to have sex.
2. Check the edges of the packet with your finger tip.
3. Use your fingers to tear the end of the condom packet.
4. Carefully tear the wrapper and gently take out the condom.
5. Insert your condom into the vagina.
6. Put x2 fingers inside the condom opening & gently push it into the vagina so that its settles inside the vagina base.
7. Ask your man to insert the erected penis into the condom while you control the sides of the condom.
8. Now you can have sex with your partner.

Step 3: What to do after the sex:
1. After sex, remove the condom and throw it into the rubbish bin. Please, do not burn it.
2. Female condom can stay in the vagina for 8 hours.
3. She can have sex again within 8 hours while condom stays inside but if its remove, do not insert it again.
4. Do not use it after 8 hours’ expiries.


• Females wear condom while on travel for 8 hours to prevent HIV/STI and unwanted pregnancies from an unexpected rapist.

Friday 8 October 2021

Types of social support for COVID19 patients

Support is vital.
The COVID-19 social isolation can escalate mental health depression, stress, and anxiety, which can automatically affect the mental, physical, spirit and social health and well-being of people.
The negative impact on cognitive intelligence can cause significant stress on the body's immunity system, thus accelerating COVID-19 conditions and even death.
The ability to think logically, design work, support family, involvement in social activities, and engage in higher decision-making will be impeded. The mental health will experience substantial stress, consequently, diminishing its functionality. 
The physical body is intertwined with the mind as such when the cognitive function is depressed, it impacts the physical body.
Due to social withdrawal, it's separate spiritual connections with fellow believers. Such unforeseen events can bring about spiritual landscape changes.
The denial of social movement directly impacts the social life of any human being's life. 
COVID-19 patients in isolation, healthy tips.
  • Engage graduate Psychotherapists to provide mental health relief support to prevent injuries to self and properties.
  • Conduct COVID-19 test for students, and separate school students from COVID-19 parents, so that students continue their studies.
  • Frequent communication with the patients and assist them with needs like food, medicine, water or home visits etc.
  • Support them with indoor activities like exercise, listening to music, singing songs (etc.)
  • Work from home where necessary.
  • Support to connect with their families and friends on Facebook, phone calls etc.
  • Encourage them to comply with medicine and home base treatments prescriptions.
  • Loss and grief psychoeducational sessions and social support for the affected families.

Saturday 28 August 2021

How to treat type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a serious health condition that negatively affects how the body regulates blood sugar (glucose) in the human body.

The presence of excessive glucose in the blood merely destroys the structure of insulin (key) that opens the body cells to feed the muscles and fats cells. Once the structure of a key is damaged it cannot open the muscles and fats cells.

So, the glucose is uncontrolled and increase its presence in the circulatory system. It (glucose) acts like sharp broken glasses, which suppresses the blood vessels causing the circulatory wall to become weak, fragile and collapses. As a result, glucose freely finds its way into the body that paralyses the nervous and circulatory systems and other parts of the body.

Type 2 diabetes patients may experience the following symptoms.

Server hunger.
The muscles and fats cells are not receiving require glucose, so the body cells go into starvation.

Server thirst.
Due to frequent urination and body discharge of fluids through sweating (etc.), the body may go into dehydration and feel thirsty.

Poor vision
The presence of excessive glucose in the blood system finds its way into the eyes and affects visibility. 

Unhealing wound.
The paralysed circulatory and nervous systems do not support the supply of sufficient food, oxygen and communication signals transmitting into the affected areas, thus the wound will not heal.

Weight loss or gain.
Depending on individual patients, they either gain or loss weight. 

Feeling weak and tired.
The body is not receiving sufficient glucose and oxygen that is why patients will feel weak and tired.

Shortness of breath.
The ability to inhale and exhale depends very much on the level of energy, since the glucose is misguided, the functionality of the respiratory system is seriously affected, which result in a condition called shortness of breath.

Frequent urination.
The presence of large glucose damages the sphincter muscles and affects their ability to retain urine.

Poor cognitive functions.
The blood sugar travels up to the brain and affects the brain's ability to think clearly.

Low libido
The glucose affects the nervous and circulatory system causing a condition called erectile dysfunction (ED).

Clinical signs of type 2 diabetes.

High blood pressure.
Lack of energy supply and the large presence of glucose, it destroys the functions of the lung and heart's muscles. Also, the circulation system is paralysed and not enough nutrients and oxygen reaching the muscles and fats cells.

The muscles and fats cells signal the control center- the brain, alarming the body's starvation. The brain then signals the heart to increase its pumping rate, which the condition is diagnosed as high blood pressure.  This may also affect the pulse rate as well. 

High blood sugar reading 
From blood sugar tests, the patient will have high blood sugar reading.

How to treat type 2 diabetes?

Medical doctors may prescript antidiabetic drugs and put the patient on insulin therapy.

Lifestyle behavior and nutrition modification plans.

·         Stop sugar-based foods.

·         Stop soft drinks intake.

·         Stop beer and any form of alcohol.

·         Stop smoke.

·         Work out your weight.

·         Seek diet & mental health counselling.

·         Faithful to medical treatment.

·         Seeking social support, especially from family.

·         Eat fiber based foods, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

·         Drink pure water only.

·         Engage in physical exercise that suits you.

·        Seek support from lifestyle health professionals.

Tuesday 6 July 2021

How to lower your blood pressure.

Blood pressure is a chronic health condition. So, the best way to treat blood pressure is by way of diagnosing the cause and treating them accordingly.

Getting blood pressure tablets will not solve blood pressure issues. The blood pressure tablet, of course, will treat and normalise the blood pressure condition but dealing with the root cause is a better treatment approach.

Causes of blood pressure.
The causes may vary but the following three are prevailing hypertension conditions. 

They are;

1. Genetically associated blood pressure.
2. Blood pressure related to socioeconomic factors (family, financial crisis etc.).
3. And Medically related blood pressure.

The five questions set a clear guide as to how to investigate the root cause of blood pressure.

1. Did you check your cholesterol level?
2. Did you check your blood sugar level?
3. Do you have any socioeconomic issues?
4. Do you have a family history of blood pressure?
5. Do you have any other medical conditions?

Assessing steps.
Clinically, the first step for the doctor is to diagnosis the blood pressure condition using the aid of a blood pressure machine. After the HBP issues have been established, the Healthcare Worker should investigate the cause so that the HBP source is treated.

For example; If the HBP is related to socioeconomic (financial crisis, etc.) related issues, then the client needs a referral for psychotherapist support, and a lifestyle health specialist for nutrition and behaviour modification programs.

Sending off the clients with high blood pressure medicine is not a complete treatment, because the root cause (financial crisis, etc.) is not addressed professionally.

Treatment recommendation.
(1). Medical intervention.
If the blood pressure is high, consult your medical doctor for prescription medication.

(2). Lifestyle and nutrition modification programs:
If the blood pressure is associated with lifestyle choices like high sugar levels, or cholesterol or weight, take the following actions.

  •  First stabilise your blood pressure with prescription medicine, if your blood pressure is more than 150/90.
  • Stop sugar or cholesterol base foods & intake of drinks.
  • Engage lifestyle health professionals to develop lifestyle modification programs. For example, fast walking for 60 minutes daily until reduce your weight, sugar or cholesterol levels.
  • Then do it 2- 3 times a week to maintain your physical fitness.
  •  Engage a psychotherapist to support your mental health wellbeing.

  (3). If the BP is associated with socioeconomic issues:

  • Highly recommended for counselling services so that the issues are addressed professionally.
  • Lifestyle modification programs are also recommended.
  • Medical treatment is based on clinical assessment.

(4). Family history.

  •  Prescription medication- consult your medical doctor.
  •  Seek counselling services to support medical and lifestyle modification treatment plans.
  • Seek lifestyle health specialists to engage in lifestyle modification programs.


  • Establish the cause to treat the cause.

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