Tuesday, 6 July 2021

How to lower your blood pressure.

Blood pressure is a chronic health condition. So, the best way to treat blood pressure is by way of diagnosing the cause and treating them accordingly.

Getting blood pressure tablets will not solve blood pressure issues. The blood pressure tablet, of course, will treat and normalise the blood pressure condition but dealing with the root cause is a better treatment approach.

Causes of blood pressure.
The causes may vary but the following three are prevailing hypertension conditions. 

They are;

1. Genetically associated blood pressure.
2. Blood pressure related to socioeconomic factors (family, financial crisis etc.).
3. And Medically related blood pressure.

The five questions set a clear guide as to how to investigate the root cause of blood pressure.

1. Did you check your cholesterol level?
2. Did you check your blood sugar level?
3. Do you have any socioeconomic issues?
4. Do you have a family history of blood pressure?
5. Do you have any other medical conditions?

Assessing steps.
Clinically, the first step for the doctor is to diagnosis the blood pressure condition using the aid of a blood pressure machine. After the HBP issues have been established, the Healthcare Worker should investigate the cause so that the HBP source is treated.

For example; If the HBP is related to socioeconomic (financial crisis, etc.) related issues, then the client needs a referral for psychotherapist support, and a lifestyle health specialist for nutrition and behaviour modification programs.

Sending off the clients with high blood pressure medicine is not a complete treatment, because the root cause (financial crisis, etc.) is not addressed professionally.

Treatment recommendation.
(1). Medical intervention.
If the blood pressure is high, consult your medical doctor for prescription medication.

(2). Lifestyle and nutrition modification programs:
If the blood pressure is associated with lifestyle choices like high sugar levels, or cholesterol or weight, take the following actions.

  •  First stabilise your blood pressure with prescription medicine, if your blood pressure is more than 150/90.
  • Stop sugar or cholesterol base foods & intake of drinks.
  • Engage lifestyle health professionals to develop lifestyle modification programs. For example, fast walking for 60 minutes daily until reduce your weight, sugar or cholesterol levels.
  • Then do it 2- 3 times a week to maintain your physical fitness.
  •  Engage a psychotherapist to support your mental health wellbeing.

  (3). If the BP is associated with socioeconomic issues:

  • Highly recommended for counselling services so that the issues are addressed professionally.
  • Lifestyle modification programs are also recommended.
  • Medical treatment is based on clinical assessment.

(4). Family history.

  •  Prescription medication- consult your medical doctor.
  •  Seek counselling services to support medical and lifestyle modification treatment plans.
  • Seek lifestyle health specialists to engage in lifestyle modification programs.


  • Establish the cause to treat the cause.

Sunday, 4 July 2021

Healthy living tips to improves quality of life

All the glories gain in life will depart your life when you are in a sickbed. The position of great authority, the healthy bank account, the education, experience, family, friends and world around you will become insignificant as you fight to restore your health.

Caring health concerns is not when we are in the sickbed, but it's a daily business to maintain good health.

The following healthy living tips can help you live a healthy life.

Lifestyles health tips 

  • Eating healthy right food size.

Your body does not need overeating, but the right size food. Overeating increases weight, sugar and cholesterol, causing other health conditions.

  • Engaging in exercise.

Engaging in exercise for more than thirty minutes to maintain quality of life. 

  • Drinking 1-4 litres of water daily.

The human body is made up of 72% of fluids. Our body discharges body fluids through urine, sweating, breathing (nose), ears, skin, and anus etc. Hence, maintaining body level will improve quality of life.

  • Getting six to eights hours of sleep per night.

A day's used body needs restoration and maintenance through sleep, so it is important to get the right amount of hours of sleep.

  • Say no to sugar-based foodstuff.

Reducing sugar base food intake is a healthy choice for good health. Those with a family history of diabetes should stop sugar intake.

  • Say no to cholesterol-based foodstuff.

Reducing cholesterol base food intake is a healthy choice for good health. Those who have a family history of cholesterol should stop taking in cholesterol-based foodstuff.

Clinical health tips. 

  • Checking blood pressure, glucose level, weight, teeth, respiratory system, reading health articles in blogs or of your choice and getting health professionals' health tips make up. Good health tips for a quality of life.

Doing basic health checks is an important part of watching over your health.

Mental health/tips:

  • Outdoor breathing exercise.

Breathing exercises is to maintain the health of your lungs and also improve the distribution of food and oxygen through the body.

  • Listening to music.

Listening to music can relieve stress and make your mind occupied than thinking about the issues.

  • Meditation & Pray.

It's a form of internal spiritual and physical healing that overcomes many challenges in life.

  • Talking to your Counsellor/Psychotherapists.

If you can't help yourself, better consult professionals support.

Deal with your problems in respectful ways. (HLB)

Respecting the problem before you is an act of solving the problem.

  • Social interaction with friends or in your social club.

Getting social support from friends builds your life and face the future with confidence.

  • Removing stressor.

Removing stressors frees the life chained into problems.

What are other health tips you may think of?/List them down!

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