Saturday 13 June 2020


Happy life.
“my best read article, blessings to those who fall in love”.

The topic perhaps looks new or crazy one to readers.

Living healthy is engaging in habits that improves the quality of life and also maintaining those healthy habits. So, in our life, we strive and work hard to live healthy life. We work so much for the present life but forget about life after death. These readings provide what it means living a healthy happy life now and hereafter.

Okay! Sit back and read through!

The cross.
Before our deaths, our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing needs to be prepared before travelling one of the two roads that we are all new.

It will surprise us with many surprises, like when we were kids out in the open world with our parents experiencing what the world offers in our new young eyes. Isn’t that being stunning experience? We will experience henceforth life with many wonders or the bad astonishments.

Before you were born into this world: Have you thought of coming into an existence on the face of this earth? Did you know what you are going to do or eat? And many other questions of what we are doing now and facing in our daily lives.

The simple answer is: NO!

That is why unborn has no idea of coming into an existence on the face of this earth, but existing man has the idea of creating the idea into a new life. 

So, the unborn idea has no control over the idea of creating their world, but once the idea is manifested into physical existence, he gets the authority to create the idea of the next world.

If I had known the existence of life on this earth; I should have either accept it or decline it - during the idea of fertilization that took place in my mother’s womb.

So, what is the idea?

The idea in this discussion, we refer to LOVE.

The father and the mother, through the idea of intimacy LOVE has brought the idea into physical manifestation – a life is born.

Hence, the father and mother have control over the idea of creating a new life. The absolute power and control rest in their hands.

Before you die out from the face of this world: Do you know what exists on the another side of the dead man’s world? Do you know what you will do?

Simple answer is YES!

Now the living soul has an idea. He learns this idea from his own idea – the conviction from his soul, which forms the faith that further reinforce by the teaching of GOD’s words, and the Holy Spirit that dwells within us.

The Word of GOD in the Hold Bible says Heaven & Hell is real.

So, now our idea rationalizes itself to confirm that there are two places every death will face and that is Heaven & Hell.

The idea of creating the idea into physical manifestation was in control of man. So, the choice of choosing the two world before us (Heaven and Hell) rests in man’s choice.

Do you want to go into the coffin box with a peace of mind or with lots of sadness and headaches?

Death is a blessing because we will leave all the pains and sufferings of this world behind and enter a new world, which we have not seen, yet we have the idea of Heaven and Hell.

Before we enter the next chapter of our life; how do we farewell our children? Are they happy to send us off to rest?  Have we given them security that will sustain their lives? Do they have a place in this challenging economic, social and political environment? They deserve a better life to enjoy the glory of this world offers.

Two things will unfold here: You will be happy to go for a enteral rest, and leaving with a broken heart. 

Firstly, the happiness will fill your soul because you have lived a life worth living. This is after accomplishing so many things in this world. You will be happy because you have nurtured and supported the idea you have brought into this world that they can survive the
gravity of this world. After one has achieved the purpose of giving the idea a full life (education, investments, etc.), he feels he’s done, and happily wants to walk into the golden heavenly road with lots of songs in their hearts.

Heavenly rapture.
Truly, you deserve an everlasting peaceful rest (Heavenly rapture image#[i] ) in a golden home waiting in her glory.

Secondly, those who did not nurtured and supported their idea properly will find it uneasy to walk into the world of death. It will be a painful experience. Their minds will not be at peace.  You will walk head down into the coffin box. It will be a painful experience to depart from the loved ones. 

So, to avoid sadness while we are alive, we must strive to grow and nurture the idea that we have created. Then, you feel that you are done and needs to go into the world of death, but not yet...hold on, sir!

Sinners in pain in hell
The Heaven… or  Hell.
The Heaven and Hell are waiting to receive us. The Heaven and Hell is a choice of man. You want to choose the Heaven or Hell, it's all up to you.

But for me and my family, we have chosen Heaven as our home after life on earth, and we encourage ALL mankind to say YES to Heaven because life after the earth is everlasting.

In hell, life is ALL about everlasting pain and suffering. No one wants to feel pain, yes, no one! 

Heaven: It's all about happiness and living in GOD’s glory forever. Please, accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and say the following prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father God,

I am a SINNER and not worthy to call Your Holy Name. I am SORRY for ALL my SINS. Please FORGIVE all my SINS and give me a new life in Jesus Christ. I now accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Savior.

I ask You to fill my heart with Your HOLY SPIRIT so that He can direct me to new a Holy Road.

In Jesus Christ, AME.

Are you living a life worth living?

• Chose Heaven or Hell…the choice is in your hands.
• John 3:16. GOD truly LOVES you…I mean this Reader.

Please! Chose Jesus Christ as your personal SAVIOR.

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