Thursday 23 January 2020

Four healthy lifestyle choices.

How to live a healthy life?.
Whatever investment a person invest in their health, the same returns. Not big things can improve the quality of life, but small things will make a huge difference in man's health. Many good things can make the positive outcome of a healthy life; however, in this is an article, we look at four basic choices that can improve the quality of overall health.

Eat good food, but the right size.
Eating over good food can negative health consequence, that is why eating right size of good food directly improve the quality of life.

For example: eating chicken is good for health. Chicken is a food that comes under the bodybuilding food group, which is protein. Although it’s good for health, that does not give a man a right to eat a plate full of chicken meats. Eating too much chicken can contribute to poor health outcomes like building up cholesterol that can lead to heart diseases. Hence, good food with the right size choice is the best decision for a healthy life.

Get active physical exercise.
Physical exercise like jogging around the park or power walking is good for your health. Men/women must engage in physical exercise for 2-3 days a week for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Engaging in exercise makes the body function effectively, thus distributing oxygen and food throughout the body.

Get 6-8 hours of sleep each night.
After the machines are used, they must return to the service station for maintenance. Our body, after days of use, needs maintenance. 

So, sleep is the only thing that can fully restore the day's use of the body.  Without enough hours of sleep, the body relinquishes, thus resulting in many health conditions.

For this reason, a man needs six [6] to eight [8] hours of sleep per night for the body to fully recover.

Drink lots of water 
The scientist is saying the human body is made up of 70-80% of water. Our body needs at least need more than 5 [600ml] bottles of water per day [3 litres]. 

Stay fit & healthy .... Stay Long...

Lifestyle diseases affecting Papua New Guineas

Lifestyle disease is the fastest growing health issues in Papua New Guinea. The country is experiencing a new trend of medical conditions arising as a result of t pushing the limited health system into the corner.

Why most Papua New Guineans are dying from lifestyle diseases? 
The country is at the transitional period-moving away from the traditional way of lifestyle to westernize lifestyle. The modern generations are doing away with garden foods and resorting to process foodstuff

The 80% of the nation’s populations are in the rural area. Many of these people also now give up the garden work or work on the land.

Many of the rural people are growing cash crops for family demand and also for family income. Some of these ended up in the main markets in Lae, Port Moresby, Madang, Rabaul, Goroka, Hagen (etc.), yet the people are not eating more garden foods that are healthier.

Many of our people are uneducated about the kind of food that is sold at the market, especially soft drink like Coke, Pepsi, cordial, cake, white rice, beer, sugar, white bread and so on. These foods contain lots of sugar and salt that affect their health. 

Papua New Guinea is becoming a dumping ground for junk foodstuffs such as fatty beef flaps, pork, poultry skins, saturated vegetable oils, such as coconut oil, palm oil, and palm kernel oil or dairy products made from whole or reduced-fat milk. These food increase accumulation of cholesterol in the circulatory system that may lead to heart diseases like stroke, and heart attack.

No Excuse Period 
Many of our modern local markets are flooded with locally growth foodstuff. They are all organic. There is no reason why many Papua New Guineans are suffering from lifestyle disease and dying from them.

Basing on the interviews conducted, many Papua New Guineans are lacking health education. People need health education so that people can change their lifestyle and live a good and healthy life.
Their lots of veggies and fruits, they’re organic yet people are going for processed food that is putting their lives at great health risk.

What can people do now?
-Eat more garden foods than store foods
-Stop drinking soft drinks like Coke, Pepsi, cordial, sugar with tea/coffee
-Cut down eating white rice and white bread/scone

Happy healthy life.

HIV/AIDS risks family homes

Full blown AIDS
Amidst the HIV/AIDS epidemic, engaging in risky sexual behavior outside of the confines of a marriage is not a private matter. The consequences of such actions have far-reaching effects that impact not only the individuals involved but also their partners, friends, and extended family members.

When a married man or woman engages in extramarital affairs and contracts HIV, their partner becomes susceptible to infection as well. Furthermore, the infection can easily spread to their sideline friends, creating a network of individuals affected by HIV and AIDS. The devastating impact of these diseases is not limited to physical health, but also affects the emotional well-being of those involved.

Children bear the direct brunt of the consequences, as they witness their parents' struggles with HIV/AIDS. These experiences become an indelible part of their lives, shaping their memories and leaving a lasting impact. The loss of parental love, care, and support that ensues can have profound effects on their development, hindering their progress in life and leaving them with feelings of sadness and loss that endure.

Moreover, the impact of private sexual behaviors extends beyond immediate family members. It also affects the wider community, as well as friends and acquaintances.

Additionally, on a larger scale, the country loses valuable productive members of society, impacting tax income and consequently, the provision of public goods and services.

Unfortunately, many fail to recognize the ripple effects of their actions, be it positive or negative. For instance, littering in public places may seem like a trivial matter, but it sets a norm for others to follow, resulting in a deteriorating environment that necessitates increased expenditure on cleaning and dissuades visitors from our cities.

The act of sex may involve only two individuals, whether it be between two men or a man and a woman. This limited scope often leads people to wrongly assume that their actions are private and have no impact on others. In reality, this is a psychological fallacy. Such behavior carries consequences that extend far beyond the individuals involved, affecting the lives of countless others.

Therefore, it is crucial to exercise caution when considering engaging in extramarital sexual encounters. If one is contemplating straying from the bounds of marriage, using condoms can help prevent the transmission of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This simple precautionary measure can go a long way in safeguarding not only your own health but also the well-being of others.

Primary health care in Papua New Guinea

The health catchphrase “Prevention is better than Curing”.  Is the idea of catchphrase working in the Papua New Guinea health sector or just another slogan?

HIV/AIDS is killing people silently. The lifestyle diseases is one of the latest emerging public health concerns as it's killing a skilled workforce. Many preventable diseases are eating huge national budget thus affect the public budget spending on other priorities development areas.

If the country does not revisit its approach of health service delivery mechanism, many productive skilled workforces will die from lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases and HIV/AIDS.

Dr Samuel Rumbifa Maima Director of one of the Private Health Service in recent media said lifestyle diseases are affecting the skilled workforce. He further said “I think our priority in the delivery of health care should be model towards the prevention and promotion of health products.

The former Minister for Health & HIV/AIDS Mr Jamie Graham said our health delivery should focus on prevention rather than curative. When he was a Minister in Peter O’Neill’s government from 2011-2012, he wanted to design National Health Prevention Strategic Policy, but his time ran short.  

He added lifestyle diseases is killing the productive age group.  Many of our health professionals are not trained in nutrition. Our patients are only fed with medicine than better nutrition. He said all health training institutions should offer nutrition courses. Medicine should be the last thing and more focus should be on nutrition because many plants and foods have properties that are good for our health. He said medicine is not a complete picture of good health, nutrition is the best choice for good health.

The National Department of Health has budgeted Nutritionist positions but not many professionals are trained to drive this program he said.

The country should rise above and invest in prevention so that it addresses the code health problems in Papua New Guinea. Most of the health issues treated in all clinics are preventable. The country will save millions in long run, thus invest other development priorities.

The Health Department should focus on nutrition, personal hygiene, and health promotion than wait for health issues to come to their clinics for treatments. The department must run after for good health of this country than sitting there for health problems to come.  There have been many calls for the redesign of health model that will suit the population way of life.

Three reasons to stop smoke.

Young lady smoking
Do you love your life, or love smoke?

Smoke reduces life expectancy, drains present and future financial security, teaching children bad social habits, eat up your valuable time and bad social standing impression.

Three reasons to quit smoke

1.Your health is your number one wealth

Smoke directly affects human health that includes; blood circulation, heart functions, month, throat, reproductive systems, which may cause infertility, change the skin colour and affects bone, lungs which may lead to cancer.

Put your smoke on the side and ask questions like: can I live without smoke?

Smoke kills.

2.Do it for your Children!

There is no better place for kids to learn than your home. The parents are kids first learning environment.

So, why continuously smoking in front of kids? You’re simply telling your kids that your behaviour is okay to them. Their observational learning tells them that it's okay because daddy or mummy is smoking.

Whatever action parents engage in it, kids consider it as the norm of life. So, smoking in front of your children or engaging in any bad social habits, you’re simply pressing a green button.

One guy told me that, just because of my children, I quit smoke in 2018.

Your family is where your heart is if that sure!!!!do it now, otherwise, you're late. Act now or let your kids down!

3. Why hard-earned money kills your own life?

Sit back and work out how much you spent from the moment you started smoking. The answer you get is the money that is killing you slowly but at a fast rate.

In nutshell
Save life +save money+ save family = long & happy wealthy life on Earth.

Understanding the Risks of HIV: Why Everyone is at Risk.

Beautifu Women with HIV . Introduction : HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, remains a significant public health concern worldwide. Contra...