Thursday 23 January 2020

Three reasons to stop smoke.

Young lady smoking
Do you love your life, or love smoke?

Smoke reduces life expectancy, drains present and future financial security, teaching children bad social habits, eat up your valuable time and bad social standing impression.

Three reasons to quit smoke

1.Your health is your number one wealth

Smoke directly affects human health that includes; blood circulation, heart functions, month, throat, reproductive systems, which may cause infertility, change the skin colour and affects bone, lungs which may lead to cancer.

Put your smoke on the side and ask questions like: can I live without smoke?

Smoke kills.

2.Do it for your Children!

There is no better place for kids to learn than your home. The parents are kids first learning environment.

So, why continuously smoking in front of kids? You’re simply telling your kids that your behaviour is okay to them. Their observational learning tells them that it's okay because daddy or mummy is smoking.

Whatever action parents engage in it, kids consider it as the norm of life. So, smoking in front of your children or engaging in any bad social habits, you’re simply pressing a green button.

One guy told me that, just because of my children, I quit smoke in 2018.

Your family is where your heart is if that sure!!!!do it now, otherwise, you're late. Act now or let your kids down!

3. Why hard-earned money kills your own life?

Sit back and work out how much you spent from the moment you started smoking. The answer you get is the money that is killing you slowly but at a fast rate.

In nutshell
Save life +save money+ save family = long & happy wealthy life on Earth.

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