Monday 27 April 2020

Health benefits of counselling services.

Counselling is a treatment approach for various psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression or substance misuse. Not many people seek counselling services, possibly due to the stigma and discrimination associated with counselling seeking behaviour.
The counselling services remains a powerful and unique way of supporting those who are encountering challenges in their lives. There are many benefits for seeking counselling services; some of which are listed below.

Clients can benefit from special attentive listening. 
In the counselling setting, there is someone specifically trained to respond to clients with a technique known as attentive listening. 

The clients feel important as someone has paid attention to them, and feel free to share their issues with the counsellor. 

As a result, the client benefits from attentive listening as someone had heard their stories, and can identify how those stories influence their overall life. 

From the opening of clients’ stories, counsellors will listen attentively and empathetically.

The clients will feel valued because their stories are respected, which can increase their self-confidence. This, in turn, allows a client to develop goals to overcome their problems. The counsellor's role is to assist the client to prioritize their issues and identify goals to work towards. 

In this way, the clients feel the luxury of the conducive counselling environment where they will feel comforted, as their stories received the professional’s attention. 

Unloading your emotions through talking:
If you feel that you are weighed down from an emotional perspective, this will be something you will be relieved to find out that your counsellor will understand. Counsellors have a deep understanding of people being weighed down by their feelings and emotions. This creates a stimulating conducive environment to unpack your mental worries. Unloading your mental weights can alleviate anxiety, and you will feel better through talking, and you will likely improve your overall quality of life. Carrying your emotional burden alone, whether it is a short or for a long time, is simply mental fatigue. 

Counsellors are trained to listen to your stories and help you explore them, thus allowing clients to express them deeply. This, in turn, allows a client to unload your fatigue and free their mind.

Develop & work on your goals:
Through counselling sessions, a counsellor can assist a client to develop goals and work through them.  As a result, the client can see the purpose and meaning of seeking counselling. It is not just about expressing your feelings and talking them over but also seeking a purpose to assist a client to overcome your problems. 

The counsellor supports the client with the development of their goals and implementation of behaviours and strategies that support goal attainment. These corrective actions help the client find happiness in their lives.

Information security protocol:
Clients can feel secure about the information they share with counsellors. The counsellors are highly trained people and well-placed to protect very sensitive information clients share. It is privileged information; hence, counsellors value the candidness and sensitivity of any information shared.  Before beginning a counselling session, the counsellor will outline the nature of confidentiality so that the client can be certain about the security of the information.

Improve the quality of overall physical well-being:
A counselling session has a significant focus on easing the client's distress regarding a specific psychological issue. This has an impact, namely - it improves overall physical well-being. 

Physical well-being, physiology and psychological health are all interrelated; each influences each other.  Hence, by attending counselling sessions, clients can benefit from improved energy levels, feel confident about themselves, improve appetite, sleep well, and improved social life.

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