Monday 27 April 2020

Nine (9) earlyf mental health signs.

Understanding early mental health signs can save lives and property, time and money. Business leaders need to rise above the mental health leadership bar to provide a high level of leadership. If the business leader hasn’t managed the worker's mental health needs at workplaces, they are yet to master the people managing skills.

The workers also need to play a proactive role to help themselves, then just waiting for the help to come their way. If you are feeling stressed or worried; you need immediate support to free your life from the weight of your mind.

 All managers and middle business leaders must be equipped with mental health knowledge and skills so that they can early establish early warning mental health
signs. By doing so, they are better placed to apply early preventive measures to reduce any possible injuries and damages.

Nine (9) early mental health signs:

Feeling worried or anxious:
You may feel worried and anxious about something that is not going right with you. Even if it means a small thing but it can add up to big issues. People who do not act end up in setbacks in life.

Feeling depressed or unhappy:
In life, we want to increase happiness than sadness. If you are feeling depressed and unhappy about something, you need to get it out quickly so that you are not chained to those issues before you. Our lives need freedom, not chained to unhappiness.

Emotional outburst.
Humans are rational beings and when things go wrong, they react with an emotional outburst. If you are experiencing an explosion on little issues, then you need the support of a psychotherapist or psychologist.

Sleep problems.
The people with the problem, sleep a lot or are sleepless. If you are experiencing a sleeping problem due to some internal issues, the best thing to do is seek counselling support.

Weight or appetite changes.
People with mental health issues eat a lot or eat less, thus gaining weight or losing weight. So, do not sleep on the issues that may chain your life into deep problems. Wake up and do something about it.

Quite or withdrawn.
People with lots of mental issues withdraw from social engagement and isolate themselves. The weight of the mind can push them away from social engagement, thus affecting overall well-being.

Substance abuse.
Many people with mental conditions. report to drugs and alcohol to relieve or treat their worries, but they offer temporary relief as after the happiness, the problems remain.

Feeling guilty or worthless.
When you are feeling guilty or worthless, this is a sign of mental health condition, so you need to seek a counsellor's support.

Changes in behaviour or feelings.
Behaviour change indicates mental health conditions, so if you are experiencing a change in your behaviour or others, counselling is the best place to help yourself.

Let us know if you are going through mental health conditions @ 

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