Monday 27 April 2020

Knowing your early mental health signs.

If you are feeling stressed or worried, and if those concerns are weighing your life,  it is important to pay attention with care.

The best way to do that is to know early signs of mental health conditions. The following are early mental health signs;

1. Feeling worried or anxious.
2. Feeling depressed or unhappy.
3. Emotional outburst.
4. Sleep problems.
5. Weight or appetite changes.
6. Quite or withdrawn. 
7. Substance abuse.
8. Feeling guilty or worthless.
9. Changes in behaviour or feeling. 
10. Headaches.
11. Feeling drained, hopeless, and empty.

If you experience the above mental health signs, you must speak to your psychotherapists/counsellors so that you are supported to redefine your future roadmap. 

Even the issues can be small but if it puts a weight on your mind, you better address them with professionals, otherwise, it will become too big to carry through.

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