Sunday 17 May 2020


We cannot buy happiness but we can create happiness for our lives. The happiness in life is not found outside of our life but inside of self. The things that comes from others are not worth to those that we find through our pain.

We go to school, get educated, then find jobs, earn money and become whatever we want to be in life. We can buy best gifts for ourselves but they do not worth the real happiness. All these reward us a temporary happiness but true happiness comes from within our hearts.

When our lives are blanketed with full of happiness, we can conquer the whole world. Your money, wealth, education, and all you have will not give you the true happiness you need, but real happiness is find in the quality of living  a healthy life.

Do you take all your wealth into the sickbed? No! The happiness all the wealth gives remains to itself and you are alone in the sick bed. Literally, the world is simply departing from your presence. Why? Because the earthly materials only cares and supports the living souls only.

If you are living in the material world, I encourage you to return back and reflect on the true meaning of living a life.

All the glory of this world was first created by GOD for you and me. GOD did not create man first, but it was earthly materials things so that they can support the human life that came after the earthly things

So, do not run after wealth of this world. Our first effort is to ensure we work hard to secure a healthy happy life, then, the world is yours. The worldly materials go for living souls and not the death people. Have you seen deaths coming back to life and work for living? If no, then, work hard to live longer on this earth so that all will be added unto you.

The following are living a healthy happy life tips:

(1).Active physical exercise.

Couple doing exercise.
It is highly recommended 60 minutes physical exercise for four days a week to improve the quality of life.

The physical exercise has many benefits that includes re-shaping your mindset for positive outlook; re-energize and re-focus your energy; you feel better and happy about yourself; and improve the overall quality of your life.

 (2).Eat fruit & vegetables.

Strawberry @Goroka market.
The fruits contains lots of vitamins and eating lots of fruits and vegetables can boost your immunity systems and improve the overall health.

(3). Drink water.
Drinking plenty of water as per your body's weight to maintain your body temperature and support body functions.  The water is very important for the survival of body cells and tissues. Going without water cause server health problems as well as fatal.

(4).Eat healthy food but right size.

Right food size.

Eating oversize good food can have negative health consequence, that is why eating right size from a good food directly maintain good health.

The health educators inspire people to eat balance diet three times a day. Off course not human beings eat bad foods. We all eat good food choices. 

However, the problem is the size of the food. Therefore, this piece of educational information encourages people, ‘always eat good foods’ but ‘right size’ and ‘not oversize’. Eating a small amount of healthy food makes your stomach not full, but makes you feel smart and confident of completing your daily tasks effectively.

For example: eating chicken is good for health. Chicken is a food that builds our muscles and body tissues. Although it’s good for health, that does not give a man a right to eat a plate full of chicken meats. Eating too much chicken can contribute to poor health outcomes like building up cholesterol that can lead to heart diseases.

Hence, good food with the right size choice is the best decision for a healthy happy life.

(5). Get  6 – 8 hours of sleep per night ( healthy sleep image f#[iv]).
Healthy sleep.

After the machines are used, they must return to the service station for maintenance. So as our bodies, after the day’s use, it requires quality maintenance.

So, sleep is the only thing that can fully restore the body’s day use.  Without enough hours of sleep, the body relinquishes, thus resulting in many health conditions like tiredness. Poor sleep can lead to fatigue and put lives at greater risk.

• Wealth will automatically added up to living souls and not the death ones.
• So, work hard to secure a healthy happy life.

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