Saturday, 23 May 2020

Knowing the Tuberculosis Facts

What is TB
TB stands for tuberculosis and its caused by bacteria [(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)

How does TB spread from one person to another?

Following are two ways TB can be transmitted from one person to another.

TB spread like flue droplets expelled by an infected person to a healthy person.

TB spread from frequent social contact with an infected person

TB can spread in the workplace where workers are in an isolated environment. The frequent exposure and contact with an infected TB patient, the healthy person can get infected with TB.

Living in the same house
The family of an infected person are at a greater risk of TB infection because of the daily close contact.

A large number of people living together
In education institutions, prison camp, health facilities or places where lots of people live has high chances that TB can spread from an infected person to a healthy person.

Poor personal hygiene
TB spreads from droplets and if the infected TB patient practice poor personal hygiene can aid the spread of TB infection.

During intimacy relationship
There is a high chance of TB spread during intimate relationships with loved ones.

  • Continuous coughs for more than 14 days
  • Cough up blood & chest pain
  • Loss of weight 
  • Night sweating
  • Fever & Weakness
  • Dropping weight no other reasons
  • Not eating well
  • Lack of energy
How will you know your status?
The only way to clear from TB is through a TB test. So, see your doctor if you have some of the above symptoms.

  1. Faithfully to your treatment as per prescribed by a doctor [infected TB patients]
  2. Cover your mouth with tissues when coughing [infected TB patients]
  3. Wash hands after coughing [infected TB patients]
  4. Wash hands after shaking hands with another person [healthy person]
  5. Stay away from infected TB patients [healthy person]
  6. General TB education & awareness
  7. Get TB vaccine

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