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Monday, 6 December 2021
E-book-Goal Achieved Grade Six Dropout to University Graduate in Papua New Guinea.
Monday, 11 October 2021
Smoke quitting tips: Bad social habits.
Cambridge packet. |
Smoke is socially learned addictive behavior. It's not easy to stop smoking but you can do it with a positive mindset.
There are many articles written about how to stop smoking but in this article, I am going to tell you the truth and that truth is:
If you do not "feel the pain of smoking", then, it's not going to be an easy road to stop smoking. The smoke fight is a fight against the self's unhealthy socially learned behavior. It's not easy to say goodbye to something that is part of your life but if it's giving you pain, and if you are feeling the true pain of smoke, which you have found resilience energy to win the fight.
Three reasons why you should stop smoking:
(1). Financial cost.
If you do not care about how much you spend on smoking, it's not going to be an easy road to stop smoking.
Smokers do not get a holiday for smoke that means you smoke 365 days a year. So, you work out daily spending and multiple it by 365 days, and then times the answer by several years of smoking.
For example, Joe spends $20.00 per day X 365 days X 10 years of smoking = $73,000.00.
Now, do self-reflection. How much have you spent? This is how much money you have done injustice to your health, financial security and family welfare.
Addictive child smoker. |
(2). Your children.
The family is made of a father, mother and children. They form a unit of learning Institute where our children learn from their parents.
The children first social class are family home. They were born into this world with empty social experiences but while growing in a family homes, they learn good and bad social habits from parents and immediate families.
The smoking parents directly install bad smoking social habits into their children. So, they develop into men and women in the lives of parents as their number one teachers. The children through the social observational learning leads them to think that smoking behavior is social norm and it's acceptable in greater society. The children born from smoking parents are highly likely to smoke in their future lives.
the smoking parents are merely equipping their children with wrong social knowledge that can enduringly damage to their children's future.
If you want your children to carry on from you, fair enough. Go on smoking!
Sit back and ask this question to yourself:
‘Do you love your children or love your smoke?’
The smoking affects entire body system. So, if you do not care about your health, go ahead.
Smoke quitting tips:
(1). Identify and avoid triggering factors.
Identify and avoid smoking triggers will help speed up the effort of stopping smoking.
For example: If drinking (beer) or listening to music triggers your smoking behavior, then stop drinking beer or engaging in that particular activity.
The continuous engaging in a new activity, generates new information that erases registered smoking memories. The constant reinforcement is of crucial to completely eliminate the bad social habits.
(2). Switching off the smoking time.
The smoking habits has programed your brain to response to smoking time. As
soon as the smoking hour hits the O’clock, the smoke stimulant registered in
your brain automatically arouse your behavior to respond.
The Smoker should employ interference activity. As soon as the new
activity information is processed, simultaneously start deleting the smoking time
memory. The one off new action will have less effect than the uninterrupted
reinforcement. The smoking habits is
socially learned over a period of time and it require same effort. Hence, the
Smoker’s resilience mindset is essentially vital.
Smoke quitting exercise. |
The physical exercise is one of the highly recommended smoke quitting tips. When you engage in physical exercise like fast walk, running, visiting the gym (etc.), definitely no one will smoke. The more you take interest in physical exercise, the smoking interest will die out.
(4). Peer support.
Social support is an important one, especially if both couples are planning to
quit smoking. They can support each other as they can keep each other’s back as
they walk through the long road to stop smoking.
(5). Counselling therapy.
Engaging in a counselling therapy will guide one to walk the guided road to
stop smoking. It is advisable to seek assistance from the smoke quitting
(6). Clean up your places.
If you want to stop smoking, you must demonstrate to yourself that you are
serious about the business of stopping smoking. So, clean all your clothing,
room, house, office space, car and brush your teeth and show up yourself a new
look, this will motivate your dream of stopping smoking.
•If the above three smoking habits are not adequate to stop your smoking behavior, then, there are no better reasons I would think of.•If you can win the fight against self-choice, indeed, you can fight any fight to conquer your world.
Sunday, 10 October 2021
How to Use Condoms.
There are two types of condoms (male and female) that are available on
the market. These condoms have 98% chances of preventing sexually transmitted
infections and pregnancy if use it correctly. The female and male condoms
comes in different sizes and shapes.
Male condom demonstration.
How to use male condom.
1. At the shop check the expiry date on the condom packet.
2. Do not use any sharp instruments to open the condom packet.
3. Do not rush to open the condom packet.
Step 2: How to open condom packet:
1. Ensure your penis is erected and ready for sex.
2. Check the edges of the packet with your fingers.
3. Use your fingers to tear the end of the condom packet.
4. Carefully tear the wrapper and gently take out the condom.
5. Remove the air by squeezing the end tip of the condom.
6. Place the condom on erected penis.
7. Gently unroll it down the penis.
8. Inject the wrapped condom penis into the vagina.
9. Enjoy the pleasure of body.
Step 3: What to do after the sex:
1. After sex, remove the condom from the base of your penis.
2. Tie the used condom and throw it into the rubbish bin.
3. One condom to one sexual act.
4. Do not re-use the used condom.
How to use female condom.
Female condom demonstration.
Step 1: What to do:
1. At the shop ask for female condom.
2. Check the expiry date on the condom packet.
3. Do not use any sharp instruments to open the condom packet.
4. Do not rush to open the condom packet.
Step 2: How to open condom packet:
1. Ensure you and your partner is ready to have sex.
2. Check the edges of the packet with your finger tip.
3. Use your fingers to tear the end of the condom packet.
4. Carefully tear the wrapper and gently take out the condom.
5. Insert your condom into the vagina.
6. Put x2 fingers inside the condom opening & gently push it into the
vagina so that its settles inside the vagina base.
7. Ask your man to insert the erected penis into the condom while you control
the sides of the condom.
8. Now you can have sex with your partner.
Step 3: What to do after the sex:
1. After sex, remove the condom and throw it into the rubbish bin. Please, do
not burn it.
2. Female condom can stay in the vagina for 8 hours.
3. She can have sex again within 8 hours while condom stays inside but if its
remove, do not insert it again.
4. Do not use it after 8 hours’ expiries.
• Females wear condom while on travel for 8
hours to prevent HIV/STI and unwanted pregnancies from an unexpected rapist.
Friday, 8 October 2021
Types of social support for COVID19 patients
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Support is vital. |
The negative impact on cognitive intelligence can cause significant stress on the body's immunity system, thus accelerating COVID-19 conditions and even death.
The ability to think logically, design work, support family, involvement in social activities, and engage in higher decision-making will be impeded. The mental health will experience substantial stress, consequently, diminishing its functionality.
The physical body is intertwined with the mind as such when the cognitive function is depressed, it impacts the physical body.
Due to social withdrawal, it's separate spiritual connections with fellow believers. Such unforeseen events can bring about spiritual landscape changes.
The denial of social movement directly impacts the social life of any human being's life.
COVID-19 patients in isolation, healthy tips.
- Engage graduate Psychotherapists to provide mental health relief support to prevent injuries to self and properties.
- Conduct COVID-19 test for students, and separate school students from COVID-19 parents, so that students continue their studies.
- Frequent communication with the patients and assist them with needs like food, medicine, water or home visits etc.
- Support them with indoor activities like exercise, listening to music, singing songs (etc.)
- Work from home where necessary.
- Support to connect with their families and friends on Facebook, phone calls etc.
- Encourage them to comply with medicine and home base treatments prescriptions.
- Loss and grief psychoeducational sessions and social support for the affected families.
Saturday, 28 August 2021
How to treat type 2 diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is a serious health condition that negatively affects how the body regulates blood sugar (glucose) in the human body.
The presence of excessive glucose in the blood merely destroys the structure of
insulin (key) that opens the body cells to feed the muscles and fats cells.
Once the structure of a key is damaged it cannot open the muscles and fats
So, the glucose is uncontrolled and increase its presence in the circulatory
system. It (glucose) acts like sharp broken glasses, which suppresses the blood
vessels causing the circulatory wall to become weak, fragile and collapses. As
a result, glucose freely finds its way into the body that paralyses the nervous
and circulatory systems and other parts of the body.
Type 2 diabetes patients may experience
the following symptoms.
Server hunger.
The muscles and fats cells are not receiving require glucose, so the body cells
go into starvation.
Server thirst.
Due to frequent urination and body discharge of fluids through sweating (etc.),
the body may go into dehydration and feel thirsty.
Poor vision
The presence of excessive glucose in the blood system finds its way into the
eyes and affects visibility.
Unhealing wound.
The paralysed circulatory and nervous systems do not support the supply of
sufficient food, oxygen and communication signals transmitting into the
affected areas, thus the wound will not heal.
Weight loss or gain.
Depending on individual patients, they either gain or loss weight.
Feeling weak and tired.
The body is not receiving sufficient glucose and oxygen that is why patients
will feel weak and tired.
Shortness of breath.
The ability to inhale and exhale depends very much on the level of energy,
since the glucose is misguided, the functionality of the respiratory system is
seriously affected, which result in a condition called shortness of breath.
Frequent urination.
The presence of large glucose damages the sphincter muscles and affects their
ability to retain urine.
Poor cognitive functions.
The blood sugar travels up to the brain and affects the brain's ability to
think clearly.
Low libido
The glucose affects the nervous and circulatory system causing a condition
called erectile dysfunction (ED).
Clinical signs of type 2 diabetes.
High blood pressure.
Lack of energy supply and the large presence of glucose, it destroys the
functions of the lung and heart's muscles. Also, the circulation system is
paralysed and not enough nutrients and oxygen reaching the muscles and fats
The muscles and fats cells signal the control center- the brain, alarming the
body's starvation. The brain then signals the heart to increase its pumping
rate, which the condition is diagnosed as high blood pressure. This may
also affect the pulse rate as well.
High blood sugar reading
From blood sugar tests, the patient will have high blood sugar reading.
How to treat type 2 diabetes?
doctors may prescript antidiabetic drugs and put the patient on insulin
Lifestyle behavior and nutrition
modification plans.
Stop sugar-based foods.
Stop soft drinks intake.
Stop beer and any form of alcohol.
Stop smoke.
Work out your weight.
Seek diet & mental health counselling.
Faithful to medical treatment.
Seeking social support, especially from
Eat fiber based foods, vegetables, fruits,
and nuts.
Drink pure water only.
· Engage in physical exercise that suits you.
· Seek support from lifestyle health professionals.
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
How to lower your blood pressure.
Blood pressure is a chronic health condition. So, the best way to treat blood pressure is by way of diagnosing the cause and treating them accordingly.
Getting blood pressure tablets will not solve blood pressure issues. The blood pressure tablet, of course, will treat and normalise the blood pressure condition but dealing with the root cause is a better treatment approach.
Causes of blood pressure.
The causes may vary but the following three are prevailing hypertension conditions.
They are;
1. Genetically associated blood pressure.
2. Blood pressure related to socioeconomic factors (family, financial crisis
3. And Medically related blood pressure.
The five questions set a clear guide as to how to investigate the root cause
of blood pressure.
1. Did you check your cholesterol level?
2. Did you check your blood sugar level?
3. Do you have any socioeconomic issues?
4. Do you have a family history of blood pressure?
5. Do you have any other medical conditions?
Assessing steps.
Clinically, the first step for the doctor is to diagnosis the blood pressure
condition using the aid of a blood pressure machine. After the HBP issues have
been established, the Healthcare Worker should investigate the cause so that
the HBP source is treated.
For example; If the HBP is related to socioeconomic (financial crisis, etc.)
related issues, then the client needs a referral for psychotherapist support, and a lifestyle health specialist for nutrition and behaviour modification programs.
Sending off the clients with high blood pressure medicine is not a complete
treatment, because the root cause (financial crisis, etc.) is not addressed
Treatment recommendation.
(1). Medical intervention.
If the blood pressure is high, consult your medical doctor for prescription
(2). Lifestyle and nutrition modification programs:
If the blood pressure is associated with lifestyle choices like high sugar
levels, or cholesterol or weight, take the following actions.
- First stabilise your blood pressure with prescription medicine, if your blood pressure is more than 150/90.
- Stop sugar or cholesterol base foods & intake of drinks.
- Engage lifestyle health professionals to develop lifestyle modification programs. For example, fast walking for 60 minutes daily until reduce your weight, sugar or cholesterol levels.
- Then do it 2- 3 times a week to maintain your physical fitness.
- Engage a psychotherapist to support your mental health wellbeing.
- Highly recommended for counselling services so that the issues are addressed professionally.
- Lifestyle modification programs are also recommended.
- Medical treatment is based on clinical assessment.
(4). Family history.
- Prescription medication- consult your medical doctor.
- Seek counselling services to support medical and lifestyle modification treatment plans.
- Seek lifestyle health specialists to engage in lifestyle modification programs.
- Establish the cause to treat the cause.
Sunday, 4 July 2021
Healthy living tips to improves quality of life
All the glories gain in life will depart your life when you are in a sickbed. The position of great authority, the healthy bank account, the education, experience, family, friends and world around you will become insignificant as you fight to restore your health.
Caring health concerns is not when we are in the sickbed, but it's a daily business to maintain good health.
The following healthy living tips can help you live a healthy life.
Lifestyles health tips
- Eating healthy right food size.
Your body does not need overeating, but the right size food. Overeating increases weight, sugar and cholesterol, causing other health conditions.
- Engaging in exercise.
Engaging in exercise for more than thirty minutes to maintain quality of life.
- Drinking 1-4 litres of water daily.
The human body is made up of 72% of fluids. Our body discharges body fluids through urine, sweating, breathing (nose), ears, skin, and anus etc. Hence, maintaining body level will improve quality of life.
- Getting six to eights hours of sleep per night.
A day's used body needs restoration and maintenance through sleep, so it is important to get the right amount of hours of sleep.
- Say no to sugar-based foodstuff.
Reducing sugar base food intake is a healthy choice for good health. Those with a family history of diabetes should stop sugar intake.
- Say no to cholesterol-based foodstuff.
Reducing cholesterol base food intake is a healthy choice for good health. Those who have a family history of cholesterol should stop taking in cholesterol-based foodstuff.
Clinical health tips.
- Checking blood pressure, glucose level, weight, teeth, respiratory system, reading health articles in blogs or of your choice and getting health professionals' health tips make up. Good health tips for a quality of life.
Doing basic health checks is an important part of watching over your health.
Mental health/tips:
- Outdoor breathing exercise.
Breathing exercises is to maintain the health of your lungs and also improve the distribution of food and oxygen through the body.
- Listening to music.
Listening to music can relieve stress and make your mind occupied than thinking about the issues.
- Meditation & Pray.
It's a form of internal spiritual and physical healing that overcomes many challenges in life.
- Talking to your Counsellor/Psychotherapists.
If you can't help yourself, better consult professionals support.
Deal with your problems in respectful ways. (HLB)
Respecting the problem before you is an act of solving the problem.
- Social interaction with friends or in your social club.
Getting social support from friends builds your life and face the future with confidence.
- Removing stressor.
Removing stressors frees the life chained into problems.
What are other health tips you may think of?/List them down!
Sunday, 27 June 2021
How human body waste is produce
Elimination of human waste products is healthy, which forms an important element of the mankind survival process. The discharging of human waste products - entails quiet time, patient, personal space, love, care, restroom, water, tissue paper and so on. The important thing to keep in mind is facilitating the process with respect, care and love.
The man eliminates body waste through the skin (sweating), breathing in and out, urinary tract (urine) and anus (faeces), and ears.
To understand the content, it is fair to define what is human excretion. According to google based dictionary define excretion is: to discharge (waste matters such as urine, sweat, carbon dioxide or faeces) from the body through the kidney, skin, lung, bowels etc.
Five ways the body makes waste.
1.Work hard for food.
Day in, day out, we work very hard in the
field for food and water. Food and water flues our lives so that we may do what
we want to do in life. Without work, we have no food on the table.
So, everyone engages in whatever field they are called to work; some work in
the office, industries, on the land while some engage in small scale farming
for the family needs. So, whatever we engage in, it’s all for the food and
2.Shopping for food
Shopping is an art that involves lots of
thinking. No one just goes to the supermarket and collect anything on the
shelves. They buy foods according to their menus in their minds. The
women are always on top of shopping, and relating to; how they will do their
menu in their homes?
Stage #3: Cooking food.
Cooking food is laying all your heart, mind
and soul into the menu. It requires quality time, space, care and love, and
creativity & innovative thinking to produce the best dishes of your
sweat. We, all work hard for food and preparing is critical so that
we profit from the time we invest in our works.
4.Eating food.
Eating food and drinking water is the only
reward we gain on this earth from the labour of our lives. For this very
reason, we must eat our foods in a peaceful space, with love, thankful hearts
and minds, and enjoy the plate that is before us. We gain nothing on this earth
but we earn a plate of food and a cup of water at the end of the day's labour.
5.Discharging the waste.
After so many processes has involved in the food gathering, storage, preparation, and eating a plate of food of your labour. The body discharges its waste, yet it’s a very important system that forms the survival of mankind.
Why it’s important?
Respect the body waste that is
now on the foot of the elimination.
Be patient and give enough time
to compete for the process.
Do not rush but paying
attention with great care and love.
Be grateful that your body is
active and functioning healthily.
We cannot survive without this
It relieves our distress and we
feel good about it.
You can add some here...
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
How diabetes develop in human body?
This article explains step by step (click the video link attached to learn) how diabetes develops in the human body.
- How does diabetes develop in the human body?
The simple diabetes-free formulate is the lesser sugar food intake the lesser the chances of developing diabetes.
For those individuals who have a family history of diabetes; it's important to reduce sugar intake as much as possible, as the chances of triggering genetic deposits in their bodies are very high.
- How sugar is processed.
- How insulin is release?
- How insulin (key) is destroyed?
The pancreas continues to produce insulin, however, the significant presence of sugar, continue to destroys the shape of a key, so the sugar increases in the body.
For example: If you overload your car with lots of cargoes, the type breaks down. What do you do? You replace the damage type and reduce the load. This is what the curative medicine branch does.
If the sugar presence is diagnosed early the patients are asked to reduce the sugar food intake, get medicine, and engage in lifestyle modification programs.
Chronic diabetic patients are supported by self-insulin injection; reduce the sugar food intake; order medicine, and engage in lifestyle modification programs.
(Click the short video to see how diabetes develops in the human body).
- Summary.
1. Less sugar intake less chance of developing diabetes.
2. More intake of sugar a high burn-out through physical exercise.
Monday, 14 June 2021
What is high blood pressure?
What is HBP?HBP, or High Blood Pressure, is a chronic health condition characterized by elevated blood pressure levels. It is also known as hypertension. There are two types of HBP: primary (essential hypertension) and secondary hypertension. Primary hypertension is usually a result of genetic factors and develops gradually over time. Secondary hypertension is linked to other health conditions.
HBP How can you determine if you have hypertension?The best way to identify if you have hypertension is by regularly checking your blood pressure. This can be done in a healthcare provider's office or at home. Multiple readings showing high blood pressure levels confirm the diagnosis.How do you check your blood pressure?If you are using a manual blood pressure machine cuff, you will also need a stereoscope. However, if you are using an electronic blood pressure machine, a stereoscope is not required.Here is the process of checking your blood pressure: Wrap the blood pressure machine cuff around the upper arm. Use your right hand to pump air into the machine until it reaches the optimum level. Then, release the air slowly by undoing the pin close to the rubber tube with your right hand. As the air releases, the blood pressure starts to drop.The blood pressure measurement when the blood contracts against the artery wall is called systolic. If you are using a manual blood pressure machine, you can hear the systolic beats with a stereoscope. However, an electronic blood pressure machine automatically reads both systolic and diastolic. The second reading you hear is the diastolic pressure, which is when the blood is in a resting phase after contraction.What are the symptoms of hypertension?Some symptoms associated with hypertension include severe headaches, chest pain (feeling like someone is stepping on your chest), shortness of breath, and dizziness. It's important to note that experiencing these symptoms does not automatically mean you have high blood pressure. However, when these symptoms are present, it is highly recommended to check your blood pressure.What are the different categories of blood pressure readings?The following categories outline blood pressure readings and corresponding modification plans:1. Normal blood pressure: less than 120 (systolic) and less than 80 (diastolic).
2. Pre-hypertension: 130/90. Engage in lifestyle modification programs, such as fast walking for 60 minutes a day.
3. High blood pressure: 140/90. For older individuals, these readings may be considered normal given their age. However, it is still beneficial to engage in physical activity like power walking to lower blood pressure and improve overall fitness.
4. High blood pressure: 150/90. Similar to pre-hypertension, lifestyle modification programs should be pursued. If these measures do not effectively lower blood pressure, medical support should be sought.It is important to consider other potential risk factors, such as socioeconomic status, medical conditions, or genetic heart conditions, and address them accordingly.Blood pressure readings that indicate immediate medical attention are as follows:- 160/90: High blood pressure- 170/90: High blood pressure- 180/90: High blood pressure- 190/90: High blood pressure, and so on.Treatment.If your blood pressure is consistently at 160/90, it is advisable to see a doctor for prescription medication. Once your blood pressure is stabilized, engage in lifestyle programs such as exercise (such as fast walking), maintain a healthy diet, and manage any other factors that can trigger high blood pressure.Take home points:When blood pressure is consistently high, the heart has to work harder to distribute oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. This places individuals at a higher risk for heart attack, heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure. Therefore, it is crucial to manage and treat high blood pressure effectively. pressure effectively.
Saturday, 12 June 2021
Cooking healthy rice cake & cookies
The food brings family together. It also rejuvenate family unity, love and care when converting sweat into food. Following are simply recipes for cooking rice cake and cookies,
#1: Cooking rice cake
- Two (2) cups of any rice
- Four cups of milk
- One & half (1/2) tablespoon salt
- Two (2) boiled eggs
- Four (4) tablespoon margarine
- Four (4) tablespoon sugar
- Five (5) ripe bananas or 1 ripe pawpaw
How to prepare them.
Step 1. Bring milk and salt to a boil.
Staple 2. Pour rice to boil until it's done.
Step 3. Cut ripe bananas or pawpaw into slices pieces.
Step4. Mix the rice with bananas or pawpaw, eggs, sugar and margarine. Ensure mixing it well done.
Step 5. Spread some margarine or oil on the tray.
Step 6. Spread the mixed rice on the tray and ensure it's done well.
Step 7. Bake the rice for about 4o minute until it's light brown.
Serve with juice or water.
Enjoy the food for good health.
#2: Cooking cookies
- Two (2) cups of flour
- Six (6) tablespoon oil
- One (1) egg
- One (1) cup milk
- Oil for deep-frying
- Margarine
How to prepare it
Step 1. Clean and dry the tablet
Step 2.pour flower, oil, salt and egg on the cleaned and prepared table.
Step 3. Mix them all well until it's done well.
Step 4. Add plenty of milk, so that the dough is not too soft.
Step 5. Take some dough and roll to thin.
Step 6. Cut small squares, deep-fry them into the boiling oil. You can decide the shapes and sizes that best suit your menu.
Step 7. Add some sugar on top of the cookies.
Step 8. Serve it with milk, milk, juice or cool water.
Enjoy the food for good health.
Healthy steam cooking
Drum or pot steam cooking is traditional practice. It has natural food taste for good health.
Kaukau, pumpkin, taro, onion, corn, peanuts, green, carrots, coconut's milk, or water, bananas leaves, slice of meats, peppers, any vegetables of choice like beans.
Get read big pot or drum with lid, and prepare dry firewood and get the gas lighter.
How to prepare it:
Step 1. Prepare a fireplace.
Step 2. Prepare all the vegetables, cut the meats, kaukau, taro, banana, greens, carrots etc.
Step 3. Wash all the vegetables and some stones.
Step 4. Place all the cleaned stones on the bottom of the pot or drum.
Step 5. Pour some water high as the stone.
Step 6. Cover the stones with bananas leaves. Ensure it's all the spaces are well covered.
Step 7. Put all the mix foods inside. You can add peppers or anything that you think that bring the food to best taste.
Step 8. Make fire and place the pot or drum on the fire.
Step 9. Cook the food until it's done.
Step 10. Serve the food
Food brings happiness in the family.
Enjoy the food for good health.
Cooking healthy vegetables in bamboo tube
The vegetables cooked in the bamboo tube is one of the decade cooking practices. This style of cooking is still practised in many parts of Papua New Guinea. It's an outdoor activity.
Kaukau, pumpkin, onion, corn,peanut11agreen, carrots, coconut's milk, or water, bananas leaves, a slice of meats, peppers, any vegetables of choice like beans and bamboo tubes, and prepare dry firewood and get the gaslighter.
How to prepare it:
- Prepare a fireplace.
- Prepare all the vegetables, cut the meats into pieces and cut some bamboo into tubes.
- Bring them to water and wash them.
- Add peppers or spices at your wish. Mix all the vegetables until it's done.
- Fill all the mixed vegetables into the bamboo tubes. Close the bamboo tubes with bananas leaves of any leaves that you think it's all okay.
- fill up the fireplace with firewood and make a fire.
- Put the bamboo tubes containing vegetables on the open fire.
- Watch the stream coming out from the opening end of the tube which you have closed with leaves until the vegetables are soft.
- Remove the leaves and pour the vegetables on the plate. Add salt if you like.
- Serve the dish now.
My mother's best pork meat cooking recipe, love it my childhood days.
Enjoy the food for good health.
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
How to reduce high cholesterol level
Cholesterol build-up narrowing blood vessel. |
Cholesterol build-up narrowing the blood vessel thus obstructing the
blood to flow
The clients with high cholesterol level experience various symptoms. There are many other symptoms, but one that stands out in my clinical work is 'headaches'. Many other health conditions can cause headaches, but two questions that can lead clinicians to do further medical investigation are: How was your protein food intake in the last few days? Or do you have a family history of cholesterol? If yes to one of these questions, then, it may interest the medical clinicians for further medical investigation.
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One of the world's best cholesterol portable testing machines available on
market is Accutrend Plus Cholesterol Meter. This machine does an amazing job within 180 seconds
(3 minutes) to give a perfect result. The laboratory test result waiting time
will kill you, but this piece of machine is sure to cease the result waiting
for stress.
I have used this many times and found it to be very reliable. This piece
of machine is cost-effective medical equipment for both clinicians and clients.
The operation of this machine do not require training, it's like a blood sugar
testing machine, so any family can have it at home. Please follow the link to
order one for your family.
Healthy tips to reduce high cholesterol
(1). Control food choice on the shopping list.
The number one effective prevention tip is controlling the food choice on the
shopping list. This means, stop going to the shop with an open book. The
shopping list must be finalized at home so that you go with a closed shopping
When you have a controlled shopping list means your food budget expenditure is
also controlled. So, going to the shop with planned shopping money.
The idea of controlling food choices on a shopping list must communicate to the
family. This new norm practice must be supported by the entire family. This
provides a good opportunity for family education on cholesterol.
So, the biggest challenge is controlling the shopping; going to the shop with
fix budget; temptation on the shopping shelves; gaining family support and living
a new norm lifestyle.
If one can overcome these temptations, surely, you and the family will win the
battle against cholesterol.
The other cholesterol reduction strategy becomes ineffective if there is no
control over the intake of cholesterol food and plenty of cholesterol
foodstuffs at home.
(2). Engaging in physical exercise.
There is no recommended exercise for clients with high cholesterol levels. Any
physical exercise that suits your perfection can help work out the high
cholesterol level.
Example: Fast walking down the road for 60 minutes for the next few days is
sure to reduce the high cholesterol level.
It is highly recommended that before engaging in exercise, check your blood
pressure. If your blood pressure is at the management level, (ask your doctor),
then, you can start engaging in exercise.
Engagement in any exercise therapy won't go wrong. It will help, however, you
need to commit yourself to engage in doing the physical exercise.
All health care workers will recommend physical exercise as it burnout high
cholesterol level very fast but at the same time reduce cholesterol food
intake. Exercise therapy also shapes up body weight, thus improving the quality
of life.
Personal clinical experience.
"I ate lots of protein foods like fried eggs, chicken meats, pork (etc.)
over the week".
" I was sitting in my workstation, I felt headaches on both rights of my
" I never had such experience before, so, I prescribe myself a test".
"What do I accept"?
" The result was 7.5".
"A very high result".
Action taken.
"That afternoon, I engage in 60 minutes fast walk down the road".
" I continue fast walk for 2 days, and on 3rd did review the test".
"What do I accept"?
"The result was astonishing one, it was 3.5".
(3). Prescription medicine is highly
recommended if the cholesterol level is.
improving on exercise.
improving on food control - cut out.
cholesterol is associated with high blood pressure or other medical conditions.
If you
have high blood pressure, stabilize it with prescription medicine, and also get
medical advice from your doctor.
and nutrition modification treatment therapy works well for high cholesterol.
· Family support in cholesterol control at home through shopping choices and reduce or stop having high cholesterol base foodstuffs at home. This provides an educational opportunity for the entire family to learn about cholesterol.
Managing early warning workplace mental health signs
Workplace mental stress can have negative impacts on
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Mental health. |
The goal is to create a mentally healthy workplace in Papua New Guinea.
1. Provide line managers with First Aid Mental Health knowledge and skills.
2. Help line managers and workers self-assess their mental stress levels.
3. Reduce industrial injuries and increase business productivity.
The target audience includes line managers and the workforce who are responsible for implementing organizational policies.
Relevance to PNG Workplace Settings:
There is a lack of first aid mental health training and accessible mental health diagnostic tools in both public and private sectors. Managing mental health concerns at the workplace is underrated due to a lack of understanding of the costs and benefits. Early warning signs of mental discomfort, such as frequent sick leave or tardiness, can have significant financial costs.
Both line managers and the workforce will benefit from the proposed program, leading to positive contributions to the organization and families.
Workplace Mental Stress Model:
The model considers line managers as central to the organization's success and focuses on relieving their psychological strain. Job demand and pressures can lead to stress in line managers, which can then affect the workforce and overall work relationships.
Push-down-Push-up Factors:
When line managers push job demands onto workers and workers withdraw effective participation, it can cause conflict and stress. Line managers should delegate tasks according to job skill attributes and consider workers' family, social, and cultural issues to prevent unnecessary stress.
Impact of Mental Health Stress:
Workplace mental health stress affects cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physiological reactions to work. It can lead to depression, mood disorders, cardiovascular health conditions, and physical symptoms like headaches and chest pain. Behavioral indicators of stress include absenteeism, rework, and unhealthy behavior.
Intervention Strategies:
1. Provide First Aid Mental Health training for line managers and safety workers.
2. Use toolbox meetings to conduct mental health educational programs.
3. Use the Early Warning Signs of Mental Health Stress Tool to detect signs of stress.
4. Hire professional counselors, social workers, or psychologists.
5. Establish a network with relevant organizations for support and referrals.
Investing in social welfare is crucial for business success. Workplace mental stress has significant financial implications in Papua New Guinea. By addressing mental health concerns, organizations can improve productivity and overall well-being.
List of References.
1. Betty. K., Anthony. J. & Claire. K. (2017), 4th Edition Mental Health First AIDS Manual, Australia.
2.MHFA Line Managers’ Resource (2016), MHFA www.mhfaengland.org England CIC
3. Skinner, N. & Roche, A.M. (2005). Stress and Burnout, A Prevention Handbook for the Alcohol and Other Drugs Workforce. Flinders University, Australia.
4.Stavroula., L, Aditya J. (2014-202), EU Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well-Being, Mental Health in the Workplace in Europe, Center for Organizational Health & Development, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham,
5. World Health Organization (2013), Mental Health Policy and Service Development, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Papua New Guinea.
6. the University of Buffalo, School of Social Work, Self-Care Exercises and Activities,
http://socialwork.buffalo.edu/resources/self-care-starter-kit/self-care-assessments-exercises/exercises-and-activities.html#title_6 New York, USA.
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