Thursday 27 May 2021

Three sources of mental health conditions

All human beings are faced with day to day mental health issues that comes in different forms, shapes and sizes.  No one is immune to mental health conditions. We all have twists and turns in our lives.

Three sources of mental health conditions.

Knowing the sources of our daily struggles can help us find a way to solve them.

1.Individuals own actions.

Some of our actions are intended or planned,  while others are unplanned ones, which is driven by emotional factors or situational base.

The intended actions do little or no stress to us. We have already scheduled those motions for action so they fall in the line with our hearts and minds. We have become very smart in this area. Nonetheless, the planned actions can also put us at greater risk of mental health stress if care is not taken.

For example, You spend all your earnings on living and no enough savings for the future. This will put us under stressful conditions if not care about emotionally-driven actions.

Unplanned actions are driven by emotional factors. This kind of action can lead us into disaster and blanket our lives with darkness.

For example, you go down to the shopping centre and find out there is a special sale of your dream item. So, you put on hold some payments like bills and purchase the goods, and Iff you go with the happiness.

However, the mental health stressful condition will follow you when the creditor pops up in the evening. 

Taking actions within our limits and doing things with cared intended plans will help us go long way.

2.Actions of others.

The actions of others can tangle our lives into the chain. Not everybody behaves the way we desire. All human beings are different yet we're human. We act the way it suits our desire which does not come in terms with others thinking line, which can leads our and others lives into mental health discomfort.

One of the examples we can draw here to illustrate is you and your friend working on a recently won contract. There is a timeline to complete the project. So, your friend did not complete the project on time and your contract is terminated because you did not complete the project as required. 

Such actions can lead you to significant stress and setback your progress. So, to avoid such, continuous monitoring is key to ensure all is well.

3.Things beyond our control.

In this section,  we look at two issues. The natural disaster and health conditions.

√  Natural disaster 

We cannot control the behaviour of the natural environment around us. They behave the way the day pleases them, which can trouble us. For example landslides due to heavy rain and flood that washes away houses and food gardens.

√  Health issues

Yes, we can control our health but some we can not control. Chronic lifestyle diseases like diabetes can put us understand stressful life. 


Controlling our actions mitigate, working in harmony social environment, respecting others actions, and taking one thing at a time can help us manage our lives.

What other problems sources you would think of?

Monday 24 May 2021

Stress coping skills

Human beings experience two types of stress. No one lives and pass on without experiencing stressful life. We experience stressful situations because we're people, as it gives us a reason as men and women to survive on this earth.

Good stress and bad stress. Good stress helps us do our job effectively on time. The body system mobilizes its energy resources into one force, so you find yourself on top of the task, and at the end of the day, you celebrate the job well done. So, good stress positively influences us to deal with the task control and organized way without any harm to the doers or others.

The second kind of stress is bad for health. The bad stress is experienced once something that has gone wrong due to our actions, others doing or natural one, which is beyond our control.

The bad is merely an experience of feeling discomfort that negatively influences our whole body systems, and we do not feel well confidently deal our daily tasks.

When we're experiencing bad stressful situations, we do not need to run away from the issues but face the issues with respect and deal with them according.

Stress coping strategies 

There are many stress coping strategies and one of many recommended is watching the landscape, flowers, movies, your old photos (etc.). So, I am attaching some of the best stress-relieving short video clips of landscapes, flowers for your good health. 

Good & Bad things about chewing betelnut in Papua New Guinea

Betel nut chewing has good and bad. It is one of the cultural norms and widely chew by many Papua New Guineans. The betel nut is commonly grown in the coastal areas for commercial purpose as well as other local growers own consumption.

Good things about betel nut.

Social friendship. 
Betel nut can open up new friendships and strengthen existing social friendship with betel nut chewers. 

Betel nut sharing is caring. So, sharing betel nut, mustard and lime is common practice amongst the chewers. The chewers gather together in betel nut selling venues, they buy betel nuts, mustard and lime, so they chew together.  In this way, they build social relationships which are unbreakable,  and it's a very strong social network.

Door to opportunity.
Betel nut culture can open lots of jobs, businesses and political opportunities. Recruiters can easily be influenced through betel nut sharing culture. It can open up business opportunities such as bank loans, or contracts.

Make money
Betel nut is the biggest gold mine in Papua New Guinea. Millions of kina are circulating in the betel nut industry. The local farmers from the coastal areas sell their produce to the highlanders.

The highlanders travel everywhere in search of betel nut in the coastal areas. The transport operators make money by transporting the betel nut up to the highlands highway.

The local farmers, transport operators, wholesalers, major retail sellers and small hamlets villages and roadside sellers make money through betel nut.

The betel nut industry is huge and the benefits spread across Papua New Guinea households. 

Betel nut- stimulant.
Betel nut is a stimulant and chewing it can keep the cheers awaken. Those disciplinary officers, security guards find betelnut as the best options that keep them awake during the night or day at their locations. 

Even those working in offices chewing betel nut does a better awakening job than the cup of coffee.

Self social confidence 
For some people, chewing betel nut rewards them social self-confidence to mingle around with people in betel nut social culture. So, those who lack social self-esteem can chew betel nut to gain self-confidence about themselves hanging out with friends chewing the betel nuts.

Social qualifications.
The young kids gather together in the name of a social betel nut spirit that builds and strengthen peer social friendship. Such friendship lasts for a long time.

Bad things about betel nut.

Poor personal hygiene 
Chewing betel nut can contribute to poor personal hygiene that includes betelnut stains on the teeth, shirts, and all over their bodies. Betelnut chewing makes them look hugely before the public eyes and truly their social appearance is not good.

Chewing betel nut can be a costly exercise and in fact, it cost lots of money chewing betel nut. Reading more on how much money betel nut cost by clicking this link.

Health conditions 
Chewing betel nut can cause many health conditions such as high blood pressure, mouth cancer, tooth decay. 

For those who have high blood pressure, chewing betel nut can increase the high blood pressure and can cause fatal accidents.

Unhygine social health environment.
It's common knowledge and evidence on the streets of Papua New Guinea that the chewing betel nut contributes so much rubbish in major cities, towns, rural district stations.

The splitting of betel nut stains can aid the spread tuberculosis and coronavirus etc. Both betel nut cells and stains contribute to lots of rubbish which the authorities spends lots of money to clean up..All the public rubbish bins are filled with betel nut stains and cells, which is public eye sore.

Travel health risk.
The betel nut traders travel far and wide at the cost of their lives. They travel on the road, water and in the air looking for betel nut trade. It's not an easy task looking for quality betel nut, mustard and lime.

Bribery & Corrupt practices.
Betel nut builds social relationships that can easily facilitate bribery for jobs, business contract deals etc.

So betel nut chewing culture in Papua New Guinea is part of human social survival. It has been there for many generations and it's here to stay.

Thursday 20 May 2021


If you do not sleep well tonight, automatically, it will affect your tomorrow. Isn’t that a common sense? So, sleep constitute a very important element of living a healthy and happy working life.

The body needs a good amount of time (6- 8 
hours) to go through the repairing process so that your body and mind is restored fully for the next day use. If the body is not given sufficient rest, it will fail and the condition is called fatigue.

 Seven sleeping tips.

 (1).Keeping the sleep time.


You must have a fix sleeping schedule. It’s like programming your body so that it knows when to give you the complete rest the entire body needs it. If you change your sleeping schedule, it will affect your body’s sleeping time pattern. So, sticking to your bedtime to gain the benefit of good sleep.

(2).Bedroom set-up.

Healthy bedroom set-up.

How you fix your bedroom will give you a peace of mind for bed. If your room is untidy and everything is all over the place, you will not have a peace of mind to rest. So, ensure the room is neat and tidy so that it creates a very comfortable sleeping environment for a good night rest.

(3).Stop work.
Stop working physically and mentally. Get your mind and body to one focus that is to sleep. Do not go into your bed with anything hanging on your mind, or just straight after physical activity then you run into the bed, you will find it difficult to sleep. So, stop all the work because it's bedtime.

(4). Cooling the body system.

If you have sleeping problem, following activities that might be of help to you. Get a warm bath before bed to prepare your body for sleep. The warm water causes your body temperature to rise. The higher you go the lower you come down, similarly, when you cool off your body temperature, the body enters into sleeping mood, which reward you with quality sleep.

 A good deep breathing exercise before sleep is helpful practice. Sit in a quiet room, relax your body and mind like in meditation position, then take a deep breath either through nose or mouth and exhale either way. The continuous exercise leads you into yawing, which body signals feeling tiredness thus ready to go into sleep.  

 Listening to music works for some people. Do not take in stimulant produce to assist sleep because that might even lead to sleep dependency life.

(5). Stop clock guide.


If you are using O’clock as guide to sleep, simply build up lots of stress. So, do not keep your eyes on the clock before it will put your heart on the race between sleep and the task you are doing.

When you practice your sleep time well, the clock will have no use because your body and mind knows when to go to sleep.

(6). Daily work.

Getting good physical active work during the day can help you get a good night rest.

(7).Food & drink.
Healthy eating good foods and drinking enough water can also help you get a good night rest. Avoid overloading your stomach with food, water and coffee before bed.

• Life rebirth through sleep, so give your body what its deserves for a quality of life.

Wednesday 19 May 2021

How to prevent Coronavirus

Coronavirus has significantly impacted the lives of the World in many ways yet it’s manageable. Those with underlying medical conditions like asthma, tuberculosis, diabetics, high blood pressure, cancer (etc.) should take extra preventive effort, or require complete isolation.

 Coronavirus is not killing people, 98% infected with coronavirus can easily recover.

 Followings are simple Coronavirus preventive measures individuals needs to employ to stay free from Coronavirus.

 Masking your face.

The face must be worn when you are with one or more people. It is safe to remove a face mask when you are alone at home or driving in your car. Individuals do not need to deprive themselves of fresh oxygen for good health.

 Social distancing.

In many incases social distancing will be difficult but it does individuals best to live with it. Where there are lots of people and movement is limited, you must wear a mask, wear a hand glove, avoid touching people or objects and short stay and leave the place quickly.

 Hand washing.

It is important to wash hand regularly. Our hands touch anything anytime every day.  Hands are always the first contact point for infections to enter human bodies, so washing hands is good for overall health.

 Reduce social interaction.

Everyone must reduce social interaction with other human beings. The more you interact with people, the more chances of you contracting coronavirus are very high.

 Reduce public gatherings.

Cut down unnecessary or non-important meetings and only attend important ones with health protocols like face masking, social distance, and hand wash.

Reduce families, and friend’s visitation

Families are important but use other communication mediums to keep in touch with families’ members.

Homemade treatment.

Some home treatments like streaming your body or families, live in a warm environment, eat spicy foods, having a hot bath or regularly engaging in sport will be of benefit to good health.

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