Monday 24 May 2021

Stress coping skills

Human beings experience two types of stress. No one lives and pass on without experiencing stressful life. We experience stressful situations because we're people, as it gives us a reason as men and women to survive on this earth.

Good stress and bad stress. Good stress helps us do our job effectively on time. The body system mobilizes its energy resources into one force, so you find yourself on top of the task, and at the end of the day, you celebrate the job well done. So, good stress positively influences us to deal with the task control and organized way without any harm to the doers or others.

The second kind of stress is bad for health. The bad stress is experienced once something that has gone wrong due to our actions, others doing or natural one, which is beyond our control.

The bad is merely an experience of feeling discomfort that negatively influences our whole body systems, and we do not feel well confidently deal our daily tasks.

When we're experiencing bad stressful situations, we do not need to run away from the issues but face the issues with respect and deal with them according.

Stress coping strategies 

There are many stress coping strategies and one of many recommended is watching the landscape, flowers, movies, your old photos (etc.). So, I am attaching some of the best stress-relieving short video clips of landscapes, flowers for your good health. 

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