Many Papua New Guineans are engaging in four social activities that are detrimental to their health, wealth, family and the country. Most of these activities are influence by the social and cultural environment. They are unaware of what they’re doing until in late-stage where their health is affected, or financially broke down, or children welfare is affected, especially, when kids are push out of the school due to school fee issues.
More than five hundred people I have counselled said, they learnt new bad social habits in our youths’ days in a peer environment. They registered their interest only to equal in the social class, the moment they registered their membership, they were chained to bad social habits for many years. Some of them, find it difficult to bail out. These people are not different to those living in Bomana prison. The four bad social habits are; chewing buai, smoking, drinking alcohol, and playing gamble.
Many Papua New Guineans are engaging in four social activities
that are detrimental to their health, wealth, family and the country. Most of these activities are influence by the social and cultural environment. They are unaware of what they’re doing until in late-stage where their health is affected, or financially broke down, or children welfare is affected, especially, when kids are push out of the school due to school fee issues.
More than five hundred people I have counselled said, they learnt new bad social habits in our youths’ days in a peer environment. They registered their interest only to equal in the social class, the moment they registered their membership, they were chained to bad social habits for many years. Some of them, find it difficult to bail out. These people are not different to those living in Bomana prison. The four bad social habits are; chewing buai, smoking, drinking alcohol, and playing gamble.

The Buai Chewers do not realize the Buai dig hold into their bank accounts. It’s costing lots of money per day. The Chewers think that spending K10.00 per day is manageable or within their financial capacity. However, one does not realize the annual cumulative financial cost of the Buai, indeed it’s an eye-opener to Clients that counselling session.
John is one of my Clients who has chewed for 20 years. He spends about K10.00 per day. An annual cumulative figure has created a financial hole in his bank account of K3,650.00.
Multiplying the annual cost by twenty years of chewing Buai would cost him K73,000.00.
Chewing Buai is detrimental to our health. It can cause month cancer and raise blood pressure which in some cases may lead to fatal. Buai can contribute to poor personal hygiene which causes stain teeth’s and clothes.

Smoke can dig holes in Smoker’s bank account and easily drain all the money they have worked for. The smoke companies insert smoke chips into Smoker’s bank account. The account is linking every second. The smoke affects every Papua New Guineas financial and end up empty pay packet every fortnight. The worse thing one can do is get smoke credit at the black market.
For example; if someone smoke K10.00 every day, multiple by 365 days would cost him K3,650.00, multiple that by several years he/she has been smoking, the financial cost would increase. For example; 10 years times 3650 would cost the smoker K36,500.00.
So, if someone smokes both smoke and Buai at the same time and budget, it would cost the person K7,300.00. Base on the clinical assessment, the K10.00 cost per day for Buai or Smoke is just average only. One hundred people said they have spent more than K10.00 per day on smoke and buai. 95% of them said buai and smoke go well together. Smoke can also affect Smoker’s health.


These bad social habits are digging huge holes into ordinary worker’s bank account. Many are chained into these bad habits and it requires support from the government and other NGOs.
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