Thursday 23 January 2020

What is STI?

What is the definition of STI?
STI is a sexually transmitted infection, caused by germs that pass from one person to another through sexual intercourse.

Sexually transmitted infections are transmitted through unsafe sex. Some STIs like syphilis can be passed through the delivery process and cause harm to infants.

Common sexual transmitted infections in PNG.
The common sexually transmitted infectious diseases are;
Gonorrhoea, syphilis, Chlamydia, trichomoniasis, donovanosis, herpes, hepatitis B and HIV/AIDS.

All these infections are very harmful because they have medical complications. Some of these complications include blindness of eyes, deformity, brain damage, sterility, and deaths.

Signs & symptoms of STI
The common signs and symptoms are burning pain during urination, sores on the genital, bad smells, backache, pain during sexual intercourse, bad discharge from the opening of the penis, backaches, abdominal pain.

Usually, it takes several 7-21 days for these signs and symptoms to appear in a person.

 How to prevent from getting STI? 

ABC method.

A-Abstain from sex is a safer method.

B-be faithful to one partner

Every time if you want to have sex outside marriage-use a condom. Having sex without a condom is a high-risk activity, and off course you are risking your life of STIs (HIV), or using an expired condom or not using it properly can also endanger your life.

Avoid the use of alcohol or drug when you want to have sex because without a good frame of mind, you won’t judge properly to engage in a sexual act, like not wearing condom properly, forget to use them, or it will drive you to think you’re safe so you won't use it and end-up in unsafe sex.

STI is a major problem in developing country like Papua New Guinea. It is very important to engage in an informed action so that your action does not put your lives at risk. The HIV infection is avoidable, however, the ultimate decision rests with the individual’s choice.

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