Thursday 23 January 2020

Smoking parents destroying their children's life

Many smoking parents black or white, irrespective of their race directly killing their children with smoke or teaching them bad social habits. Many parents do not realize their bad social habits yet hang on to them while others do not realize how harmful their bad behaviour which their children are learning as a social norm in a family smoking classroom environment.

The following stories are to help every smoking parent understand and respect the importance of their children's health.

A smoke of an expatriate guy!

“My daughter and I went to the shop and on return, she requests me to take her to a rest house, before she goes in, she said, “Daddy it’s okay, you can smoke”.

 I ask my kids to go and buy smoke for me.

“I always feel guilty when I ask my kids to go and buy smoke for me”, “yet finding difficult quitting it”. “Truly, I am chain to smoke”.

Story # 3:
“I love my son.

" I took him around wherever I want to go to drink beer”.

“When I go to a restroom, he keeps my beer”

“I didn’t realize how silly father I was”.

“When my son completed from high school course (grade 10)”.

"He went out with his peer to celebrate with beer party".

“What will I say”?

Peter Joe said, “he smokes one [1] packet per and in a year, he smokes 365 packets in a year”. He has been smoking for the last 15 years.

This guy smokes like there is no tomorrow.  He feels good because smoking keeps him alive. He sleeps with smoke and opens the day with smoke.

Financial cost
365 packets of smoke X K25.00 ($7.74) =K9, 125.00 x last 15 years K136, 875.00.

This is how he destroys his life.

Now you work it out for yourself how much you have spent to destroy your health.

Parent #1 teacher
The child learns in the family house of the institution before they learn outside of their family. If the family at home are smoking, the learner, the child consider smoke as an acceptable social norm, thus the kids learn new social behaviour thus create a new folder in their mind and save SMOKE as GOOD.

The home is made up of a family that includes a father, mother and children. The children are born as a result of two, husband and wife shared LOVE and they should cherish their love as a valuable thing in their life, but their actions indicate otherwise.

All, kids grow up in a trusted home where they look up to their parents as a number one teacher where they graduate them with an acceptable social value before they’re discharged into the open world.

The number one teacher, releases to their kids their bad social habits of smoking, the kids, create a new folder in their mindset that smoke is an acceptable norm in human life yet not knowing its repercussion. Consequently, when they grow up, they automatically start to smoke.

Important notice to SMOKERS!

Are you teaching your children a valuable social norm or graduating them with a half-baked social character that badly going to reflects how silly your parents you are?

If you give them substandard life, they return what you have invested. Do not expect a high standard.

Therefore, I encourage those smoking parents, do not live your own life but live for your children, thus you’re indeed changing the world.

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