ABI stands for Acquired brain injury. ABI occurs due to external forces such as a car accident, physical by another person, fall from a high building etc. A stroke occurs as a result of damages or injuries to blood vessels click for further reading on ABI/stroke.
Alcohol-Related Brain Injury
Stroke is medical know as a cerebrovascular disease that occurs due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients reaching the brain. The blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients may be blocked or bleed due to various socioeconomic or medical conditions. One example of socioeconomic condition should be stress or cholesterol build up in the blood vessel due to food lifestyle choices click for more images.
TBI: TBI stands for Traumatic Brain Injury. Traumatic Brain Injury occurs due to external force such as car accident, physical by another person, fall from high building etc. What happens is impact the normal structure of the brain and result in a significant shift of movement which may tear, bruises, movement, dislocation, or become swollen which affect the supply of oxygen and nutrient to the brain click to see images.
Hypoxic is a lack of supply of enough oxygen to the brain. Both conditions may occur despite the supply of blood. The brain injury occurs quickly because there is no oxygen reaching the brain and it’s a life-threatening condition. Anoxic brain injury occurs due to a lack of oxygen to the brain click to images.
Alcohol-Related Brain Injury
Heavy drinking can affect brain functions & the nervous system that includes; -difficulty walking, poor vision, not reacting to a situation as a normal person would do and memory loss 0
Degenerative neurological diseases click for more images
As we get older, our brain gets wore-out as indicated in the pictures.
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